lol obligatory black guy x]
HA! tell me why i was screaming YEAH after "put it in put it in"?!
cerial? uhm okay...
~ well, rebecca isnt so lame because she made money off of the stupid retards (aka hopeless little girls of the world) and a lot of it! she even made it onto the news!
--Victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan are pouring into shelters, mourning for their loved ones, heres some graphic photos of----OH EM GEE! IT'S FRIDAY! FRIDAY! FRIDAAAAAYYYYY!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDD YEAH! whiiiiiich seeeeat caaan i taaaaayyyyiiike? well no wonder she didnt take the bus!! she wouldve had a panic attack from all the seats to choose from!!!
blargh!! if she had uploaded that "song" onto newgrounds *snort* if only.....
anyway, nice parody, 10/10 for the obligatory black guy feat! lolololololol